Friday, June 19, 2009


Dear ms english,

my fish died and now i only have the snails. Would they be able to live in soil/my backyard?

hope u can answer :)


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


dear ms. english
i miss you sooo much i forgot my ecosystem..and i have been trying to find time to come get it, is it too late?? oh and also im not kidding you were a great teacher you never screamed you were laways happy unless you were having a strange dayy...i will come and visit!!!

who misses her 5th grade familyy:(

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


hey ms.e,

how has your track-out been? i just got back home from Orlando.
blog me back soon!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ms. English

Dear Ms. English
Right now as I'm typing this i feel tears coming down my face but I have to say 5th grade is my favorite year the only part I hat is the end:(. It's like leaving your family! You've been with them so long and then you have to leave. You are the best teacher I have ever had and I have gotten along with so many people in our class and I will visit! (I just don't know when I can) I have to say I am actually kind of mad I have to leave but sadly I have to. I really miss you Ms. English and I hope you will always remember us!
2008-2009 student,
P.S I hope this blog will last!

5th Grade Celebration

Dear Class,

I hope this blog keeps going because this is probably one of the ways we can get in touch with eachother. Although i have most of the class on my contact list (email) so thats pretty cool.
I hope next years class was as great as ours.


P.S. LM I agree it was pretty emotional

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dear Ms. E,

What's your E-mail?

:) :)
Dear Ms. English,

I miss you soooo much already, and I just got back from the celebration. I wish you could be one of my teachers in Salem Middle. Blog me back soon!


:) ;) wink

P.S when you got up on stage to do your speech, I about started to cry. Right off the bat I could say, not just because your my teacher, but really you are the best teacher I've ever had. I could not of asked for a better teacher. We all love you so much, and will miss you very much!

Monday, June 1, 2009

dairy of a wimpy kid

dear class,
i am reading a book called dairy of wimpy kid book 1. i love this book beacause the genre is humor and that is my favorite. it is about this kid named greg and he is an average boy who doesn't like school. and his friend named rolly loves video games.

by: TH


Haunted Teachers

Dear class,
     I have recently finished a book called Haunted Teachers by Allen Zullo. In the book, the 7 stories are spine chilling because the stories had such a vivid description of the haunting. I was soon reading it non-stop, unaware of  my surroundings. They some times said it in a way that scared me. But they all ended in a way that would satisfy the reader.
    The book itself is pretty short and took me half an hour. The stories are of nice teachers and evil teacheers and of ghosts angered by the teachers. The book reminded me of a book about ghosts in the country.

Hurt go happy

Dear class,
I started a new book because the book "eight cousins" got boring. I am now reading "Hurt go happy". its about a girl that is deaf but can hear loud noises like lawn mowers.
I'm predicting that the girl will find a freind, she's hurt then she is happy; hurt go happy.
I haven't gotten really far in the book but so far it's great. I encourage the class to read this wonderful book.

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

Dear Class,
As the story ends Charlotte is not guilty but I won't tell who did do the murder. And if you would like to check out the book the author is Avi. The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle is a great book. It has alot of action going on in it. Like when Charlotte is about to die.

Charlotte also reminds me of a best friend of mine back in Texas. She wasn't as brave as Charlotte but she was really brave. One time when me and my friends were hiking in the woods together she slipped and fell in the water. And she didn't cry.

Charlotte Doyle is a very brave girl. Especially since she is the only girl on the ship. Te author AVI has also put in a lot of suspense in the book that really makes you want to keep on reading. Hope you guys check out the book!


Dear class,

I am still reading deeper. Right now Sarah has asked questions to wills mom and she was caught on a surveillance camera. She is trying to get away from the cops so she runs underground. during the interview Sarah was doing death threats.

I would be scared if i was wills mom cause Sarah is giving her death threats. I wounder if Sarah will meet will, cal, and Chester. i think the police will come but find no trace of Sarah. My sister sometimes steals some candy then runs upstairs and hides it so nobody No's.

ben :)

no more dead dogs

This book is about a football player who has to be around the cast of a play named old shep my pal. hHe keeps giving  ideas for the play and it turns out really is a good book and the entire time the girl who is mean to him turns out that he dates is a good story that you should read.


The Kid Who Became President

Dear Class,
       I am reading, The Kid Who Became President by Dan Gutman. It is by a boy named Judson Moon who is the first kid ever, to be president. The story takes the reader through the first year in Judson's eyes of being president. He starts out the presidency with a high approval rating, and everyone seems to like him. Then the economy turned bad, and Judson didn't know how to fix it. His approval rating sunk to 15% of americans. Then, for some reason, at the end of his first year, his approval rating sky-rockets to the highest rating, ever, of a president. Sadly, he then decides to retire, after his first year.

    I am very interested in this book, it makes me think about being President differently, because it puts the presidency in a kids perspective, which I highly relate to. I was thinking about this book and I was wondering, what if a kid could really be a president? The law says we cant because, we are to young and we dont know about polotics or america than adults. I was thinking, what if there was a kid who did know about polotics and america? What if he would be a better president than most people? America still wouldn't let him become president, because he is a kid. Wouldn't that be a stereotype?

     This book is very interesting, it gives me a good understanding about what the presidency really looks like. I now, have a whole different view on what it is like to be president. I am thinking, what would it really be like if a kid were president? Would America be doing good, bad, or what? I still think that there should be a test, or servey that the kid who wants to president can take, and if they pass it, they can run for president.


Haunted Animals

Dear class,

I am reading Haunted Animals by Allan Zullo. In the book so far I am on on the chapter Twister's Farewell and in the chapter you would think at first when the twister hit the town the dog would be dead but he survived and thats where he got the name twister. But later on they are walking across the road and Tracy was carrying him a car hit Tracy and Twister fell on the ground and lay sprawled across the road. When Tracy is taken to the hospital Twisters ghost visits Tracy on the excact time he dies.

I am like Tracy because I care about my dogs and I don't want them to die like twister did.

J.T goodbye ms.english D: