Saturday, October 31, 2009

Middle school Salem

omgggggg....5th grade seemed so long ago! (: i went to the school dance at salem with all my friends from last year and from the year before that and all my new friends this year. we danced like crazyyy, middle school is something wat i though it was and tonight is halloween im being a 80's prom gueen woot!! cya soon ms. E, LB in your class this year says she loves you, i did 2!!!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ok, Lets do Something Here...

Ok, so now as most people are beginning to realize that this becoming less of our "old rr blog" and more of our Ms.E 5th grade reunion blog. Ms.E and the new 5th grade class have a brand new fresh one, and are not really using this one anymore, so instead, I will be making A NEW Ms.E 2008-2009 5th grade blog just to talk to the old class about whats on your mind. Please comment on this post if you will want to post on the new blog, I am still working on it now, but when it is finished I will edit this post/make a new one. In the following comment you do not have to save your email, just if you want to be a writer on the new blog. Everyone who doesn't comment, wont be able to be able to post on the new blog because they are probably not active/still watching the blog. So please comment if you want to write on the new blog and I will alert you when its done!

 Ok, the site is up and I will continue to update it and make it better, here it is


The story of a crazy ride on a bus home

One day when we had our old bus driver, there was heavy rain making it humid on the bus. Then the bus driver just went crazy bird and turned around right in front of a bus stop, and started going back to salem. Everyone was screaming, and a few 7th. grade and 8th. grade girls were crying in fear. Everyone was calling their parents. At one point, 6 parents started to chase the bus. One lady pulled in front of the bus and stoped and got out, blocking the lane. Our busdriver just went on the WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD to pass her. In the end when we were at Salem we got off the bus and waited in the cafitiria for our parents to pick us up. I hear that when the we were of the driver cussed out our principle. Luckily she got fired. Me Ben and all of the kids on that day will always remember that story.
From ETS
BTW: This was in the first quarter of 6th. grade.

Band class

So far my favorite class is band class, even though as a trumpet player I got to do notes so high it hurts. The thing that I like about it though is we get to play in assemblies and have a reserved seat so you don't have to fend for yourself. I always when I am in the middle of a large assesment I just say to myself, just wait till band class, you will have fun there.

Drama Class Tounge Twisters

Hey guys

sorry about the big font but anyway, im now in drama class and we did some tounge twisters that id like to share will all of you. Make sure you say it three times.

1.) What noisy noise annoys a noisy oyster most? a noisy noise annoys a noisy oyster most.

2.) Sixish, Sixish, Sixish

3.) Irish Wristwatch

4.) Cows graves on grass in grooves in groves.

5.) If one doctor doctors another doctor, does that doctor who doctors doctors doctor the doctor like he doctors other doctors?

6.) Imagine an imaginary manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.

I forgot the rest to number six but just the first sentence is hard so ill keep it at that.